ISA 95.00.03


Enterprise-Control System Integration, Part 3: Models of Manufacturing Operations Management (IEC 62264-3 Modified)

Published by Publication Date Number of Pages
ISA 07/08/2013 94
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ISA 95.00.03 – Enterprise-Control System Integration, Part 3: Models of Manufacturing Operations Management (IEC 62264-3 Modified)

This Part 3 standard in the ISA-95 series defines activity models of manufacturing operations management that enable enterprise system to control system integration. The activities defined in this part of the standard are consistent with the object models definitions given in ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod) and ANSI/ISA-95.00.04-2012. The modeled activities operate between business planning and logistics functions, defined as the Level 4 functions and the process control functions, defined as the Level 2 functions of ANSI/ISA-05.00.01-2010 (IEC 62264-1 Mod).

The scope of this standard is limited to:

  • a model of the activites associated with manufacturing operations management, Level 3 functions; and
  • an identification of some of the data exchanged between Level 3 activities.

Product Details

ANSI Approved
Number of Pages: